
Showing posts from December, 2017

As confused as a caterpillar fallen from an Oaktree

Last spring the Oaktree behind our house was infested with caterpillars. There were so many that sometimes the Oaktree looked like it has a furry bark! Yes, these Oaktree caterpillars are kind of cute, and might even make you believe that they may turn into beautiful butterflies, but they turn into a dull brown moth. Every time the wind blew a bunch of caterpillars fell down everywhere, on the railings of the balcony, on the floor and even on those who happened to be around the Oaktree. Since I had to stop working in the Spring all of a sudden as my work visa was not picked in the lottery, I was home all day almost every day. I was in a funk. I used to watch these caterpillars frantically crawl up and down our balcony railings looking for their Oaktree to climb back on. I could relate to them at some level as I felt the same way. My sole purpose after graduation was to work and earn money to pay off my student debt. It felt like I was running around in circles to find what I could do