Wonder why my plants don't have roots!

When I was in second grade we lived in a house in Davangere,  a town in Karnataka, a state in Southern India. The house had a nice backyard where my mother grew some vegetables and flowering plants. I did not want to be left behind and wanted to be a gardener as well.

So my mother gave me a patch of land within the backyard and some seedlings and shoots for me to start my gardening with. I was off to a good start for my own botanical garden. But there was a problem.. My plants wouldn't grow roots! The land was fertile, there was ample sunshine and I watered them daily.

The two grader that I was then, was not only curious but very eager and let's say impatient, who could not wait for the little plants to show signs of thriving. I had to pull the plants every two days to check if the seeds had germinated or if the roots were growing! When my mother saw this she told me what was wrong with my gardening.

Sometimes we ruin things for ourselves because we are too eager or impatient to wait for signs. Be it following a dream or pursuing a specialized skill or building a relationship, we ruin it even with the best of our intentions because we expect instant results. Hope we cultivate that patience that helps us have our own little paradise!
